married, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, etc?

So to start off talking to a random person I ask them a series of seemingly random questions to find something to talk to them about. Such as are the married if no do they have a boyfriend if no do the have a girlfriend which is usually where either I get laughs or weird looks or both hehe, do they have kids and so on and so forth until I find something we can talk about. So here I am at the plasma place get ready to donate and so I’m asking this girl checking my vitals my random questions (I only asked the first three) to which I get all no’s. So stumped I’m sitting there for a minute and a guy walks by and she’s all like to him that’s a good book and he’s like lolwut? he’s got a magazine and the cover of the book is on the back and so he holds it up to the front and she’s like oh the back which has the picture on it and she’s like yeah that’s a good book, it’s for women but they have one for men too and then says something about they read it in church group or something I forget… anyways he’s like oh I’ll suggest it to my group then. So I’m like oh she’s religious so thinking back I ask her another question which is not quite well known/popular with people who aren’t religious, I ask her if she’s courting anyone, she’d like no but her sister was courting a ‘great guy’ so I’m like it’s a little different from dating and she’s like the purpose is a little different and I’m like yeah I don’t know I’ve never done it, and she’s like yeah they go out but it’s basically like a date.
So thens she’s like I do have a kid so I’ve been in the world, which is what I find funny is its like sinners have their own world which is true but just something that religious people say so I find it funny. I was like yeah it happens and she’s like it was a mistake it shouldn’t have happened blah blah blah. I’m thinking damn we all make mistakes, sometimes shit just happens and sometimes it’s for a reason, who really knows, lol. but anyways. I was like yeah I’m still in ‘the world’ lol but either she didn’t catch it or just didn’t want to comment on it. my random thoughts for the day so far, lol.

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